Misc. News


  • “ESPN looks at Herrion case” by Tom FitzGerald, September 17, 2005 discussed the sudden death of 23 year old Thomas Herrion, 49ers guard, after an exhibition game. Herrion had passed all physical examination tests. His autopsy report revealed death due to HCM. Dr. Steve Ommen, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic’s HCM department, told ESPN “it was unlikely that an Echocardiogram would have missed the condition.”
  • “Case Grows for Screening Young Athletes for Dangerous Heart Conditions…” by Kevin Helliker and Kathryn Kranhold, Wall Street Journal newspaper, June 21, 2005 was one of a series of articles to disclose a significant problem related to Sudden Cardiac Death in athletes and the need for prevention through screening tests.
  • Numerous K-State Heart Screening Events featured in the news regarding the Anthony Bates Foundation, formed in 2002 by Sharon Bates, mother of 20 year old Kansas State football player Anthony Bates who died of Sudden Cardiac Death. The foundation’s mission is to promote awareness and save lives through early detection of HCM.
  • A recent program aired on ESPN, hosted by Bob Ley and called “Outside the Lines,” focused on the problem of HCM in athletes.